Leadership and Advocacy
The DEI provide’s a voice for and on behalf of third level design education in Ireland. We seek to advance the quality, knowledge and understanding of design education and promote these interests to government, industry and wider society.
We have led and contributed to a number of Design Skills Implementation projects for the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
We enjoy close working relationships with organisations that play a key role in the design sector, such as the Institute of Design in Ireland, the Design and Craft Council of Ireland and ICAD, as well as working with international organisations such as Cumulus.
We aim to:
Promote and advocate for the value and agency of design education and research, and their role in enhancing economic, cultural and societal impact;
Anticipate and influence policy through an established relationship with government, partners and other sectoral bodies influencing design education.
Inform, influence and initiate wider policy, as appropriate, at national and international level.
Provide policy insight and sector intelligence to third level design education providers.
Enhance Irish design education’s reputation.
Forge strategic partnerships with industry, international education providers and cultural institutions.
Foster a culture of inclusive, resilient and dynamic creative leadership in design education.
Support effective leadership and staff development in design education, to help achieve and share excellence.
Shape and communicate a coherent narrative of the achievements and contribution of design education to culture, society and economy by demonstrating agency and innovative design solutions to complex challenges.