Research and Knowledge Exchange

The DEI seeks to nurture research leadership and early career researchers to broaden and enrich design research in Ireland. Generating new insights that inform teaching, research and professional practice.

We actively support designers and design researchers in Ireland and internationally to document, reflect and present their Practices, Theories, Processes and Artefacts through the Iterations journal.

We aim to:

  • Promote the visibility, standing and impact of design research and knowledge exchange.

  • Grow design research capacity and capabilities and disseminate design research practice, methods and impact.

  • Develop design research leadership and support early career design researchers.

  • Enhance design education’s societal impact and recognition.

  • Promote STEAM, D-STEM and design-led research.

  • Support the development of a cohesive sectoral infrastructure across research, research training and research methods.

  • Foster and facilitate design research networks, encouraging interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange.